211 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for RUTHLEZZG


Fri 31st Aug 05:46
Feudal Japan rated  Perfect
This is an overall awesome and very straightforward board. I have to say I haven't played a new board in awhile that I enjoyed this much. We played a 2 vs 2 team match and it was perfect size for the occasion!
#4 of 4
Thu 5th Jul 15:43
War rated  Perfect
no glitches. a classic theme that actually makes the traditional board format more understandable for beginner players. We played a 3 vs 3 game on this board that was alot of fun
#3 of 4
Sat 26th Nov 04:13
World War rated  Perfect
#2 of 4
Sun 25th Sep 14:15
Antastic! rated  Perfect
One of my favorites. But i do sux on it
#1 of 4